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Lets Do the Color Fun Run!

Back by popular demand is the Color Fun Run!  Come out on May 18th to Providence Creek Academy and have a great time!

Doors open at 915 AM with the fun starting at 1000 AM.

All participants must be registered.

All ages are accepted.  All children must be registered and must be accompanied by registered adults.

Registration comes with entry to the Color Fun Run, a white t-shirt, sunglasses, and a color pack!


Concessions will be on sale the day of the event.  We will be accepting cash or card.

Color used during the Color Fun Run may stain clothes.

Come early and decorate your t-shirt with fabric markers.

This is a rain or shine event so come out and enjoy the run.

Click Below to purchase your registration!

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A Cloud of Color

No product

Color Powder


Pledge donations to the PTO for the students running at the Color Fun Run!

When you make a donation you will pledge that donation to any child you want to list.  If you list multiple children the donation will be split evenly between all the children you list.  For example if you donate $5.00 and list two children, each child will be credited $2.50 towards a potential prize at the end of the event!

PCA PTO will track earnings for each student.  Prizes will be awarded on total donations and delivered to homerooms.


Registration and donations are due no later than May 15th.   


$5.00 Donation: Student Receives a purple lanyard and Emoji Key Ring.  (Emojis vary)


$25.00 Donation: Student Receives above item plus Color Fun Run Registration!

$50.00 Donation: Student Receives above items plus 2 bottles of Color Fun Run color!

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$75.00 Donation: Student Receives above items plus a 24" Beach Ball!

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$100.00 Donation: Student Receives above items plus a $10 gift card to Five Below!

$150.00 Donation: Student Receives above items plus a $25 gift card to Walmart!

$200.00 Donation: Student Receives above items plus a $50 Visa Gift Card!

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Providence Creek Academy Parent Teacher Organization © 2023

273 Duck Creek Rd, Clayton DE 19938

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